Featured Video: GB Rowing Tackles 2k Prep through the Lens of Cameron Buchan

This week's featured video comes to us from Northeastern grad and noted rowing 'vlogger' Cameron Buchan, who takes us along on a cold Caversham morning for a look inside the British Rowing training 'centre' on 2k prep workout day.

The video features a lot of prepping for prep, with the athletes taking some hard strokes in the midst of their warmup for the pieces—certainly more than we're accustomed to seeing from inside the mothership, but precious little in terms of erg score insight (no surprise there—though there is a decent bit of post-ergo banter to finish it off).

You can check out Buchan's take on the Eights Head here.

ON THE HORIZON: Speaking of ergs, stay tuned for an interview with Aussie legend Josh Dunkley-Smith, sometimes known simply by the hashtag #JDS, following his record-breaking performance.
Also coming up shortly on RR: Part 2 of our 3-part series on the Top 30 Rowing Coaches of All Time, later this week. In the meantime, you can catch up on Part 1 of our series, featuring our picks for Nos. 21-30.

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