Crate Digging with RR: Your Winter 2016 Erg(o) Mixtape

Crate Digging with #RowingRelated

It's that time of year again. That's right, it's time to kick the erg tires and light the indoor rowing fires, and we think these tunes might just help you accomplish both of those things.

In the past, we've taken your submissions and put our erg training mix together using your deep erg music knowledge base, but this year, we wanted to save you the trouble—so, we did a little crate digging of our own.

We think you'll find the results bass heavy, motivational, and even educational. (Ok, maybe that last one is a stretch.) And, while we can discuss the problems and benefits of having music during training (having trained with coaches on both sides of that fence), we hope you enjoy it, and use it (or not) as you see fit. Judging by the results of our recent Twitter poll, however, we're pretty sure you'll like it.

Of course, if you don't like it, you can always go the Will Crothers route.

Better yet, check out our Winter 2015 Erg(o) Mixtape (lovingly crafted, from us to you), or U.S. Olympian Will Daly's top picks for an hour of power on the iron horse.

Happy training!


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