Video Of The Week: Smooth Sculling Down Under

This week's video has us dreaming of spring racing season. While snowshoes may still be more appropriate than flip-flops on the Eastern Seaboard of the U.S., it's never too early to start thinking about on-the-water technique—and this video delivers a long and careful look at the Aussie approach to sculling. Featured in the video are ANA scullers Rhys Grant (President's Cup winner at the 2013 Australian National Rowing Championships—the first win for Western Australia in that event since 1961), Jack Cleary of the Australian junior men's double, and Alexandra Hayes (veteran of the Aussie LW4x). Grant is now gearing up for the 2014 Sydney International Rowing Regatta, scheduled for March 23-30, where he'll look to defend his title in the single.

Thanks very much to Jamie for sending along the video! Have a submission for 'Video Of The Week?' Shoot us an email at rowingrelated [at] gmail [dot] com, send us your suggestions via Twitter, or get in touch via our Facebook or Google+ pages.

Coming up tomorrow: We head back indoors and take a look at the top performances in Boston over the weekend, not least of which came from our hero, 96-year-old Crash-B champion Paul Randall.


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