Coaches' Corner: Keep It Simple

When it comes to coaching either a team or an individual, it's best to focus on keeping the message from the coach simple and direct. Obviously, the more complicated things become, the more confusing they can be. As a coach, there are no points or credit given for explaining something in a complex way. 

The only thing that matters is whether the athletes improve and row well. In many cases it is best to make sure you are not bogging the athletes down with convoluted descriptions and analogies, and to focus on a clear message. The idea is that the athletes can process this message and execute accordingly, and, ideally, immediately.

This applies to drills, workouts, mentality, and the technical approach. The more layers involved or the more complicated a coach makes a technical concept or explanation, the greater the likelihood of confusion or misunderstanding. 

Because many of us spend so much time involved in rowing either in our own training, coaching others, or perhaps just thinking about it, we tend to allow things to become more complicated inside our head than necessary. Adding layers of complication and sophistication can only be done as the athlete gains experience and knowledge. But even when the athletes have vast amounts of knowledge and experience, it can still be best to focus on a streamlined approach.

Just listen to Gianni Postiglione in the below video—here, one of the best sculling coaches in the world effectively sums up rowing into two, solvable problems, at the catch and finish. By starting with a clear premise and keeping his approach simple, he more clearly communicates with his athletes and they begin to feel (and make) the changes themselves.

"My liege, and madam, to expostulate
What majesty should be, what duty is,
Why day is day, night night, and time is time,
Were nothing but to waste night, day, and time;
Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
I will be brief..."

And, in keeping with the theme of this post—that's it for now!

-The RR Team

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